Stop Sign: Roadwork Sign!
Glad to see you here, have you got any idea what happened?

Roadwork Sign: No idea friend, everyone is just as confused as you and me.

Multiple footsteps are heard approaching

Stop Sign: Hmm..?

Stop Sign: General!?

General EORM: Good day to you SS, RS and PS.

Stop Sign: What are you doing here?

Priority Sign: Yes, it's pretty unusual for you to walk around like this alone.

General EORM: We have an emergency which caused these meeting conditions.
It's about the earthquake.

Roadwork Sign: Am I the only one who does not know what EORM stand for?

Stop Sign: What do you know?

Roundabout Sign: It stands for End of Roadway Marker, you should be ashamed for not knowing!

General EORM: The earthquake was unnatural, and has caused equally unnatural effects around the world.
Reports from Object Markers tell that strange creatures have been spotted alongside the environment changing.

Stop Sign: Strange...

General EORM: So that is why I must ask of you SS.
Will you be able to help us once again?

Stop Sign: I will do it.
This world must be safe, so I will put a stop to this strange thing.

Priority Sign: Yes we get it, you're the Stop Sign.

General EORM: Glad to hear it SS, I wish you luck on your journey.
I suggest you first go to the Safety Village, some reports say there's already big trouble there.
See you later well and safe.

Stop Sign: Good day General.

Stop Sign: Well I know what I have to do now.
No time for my planned sleep..

Roundabout Sign: Will you go alone, SS?

Priority Sign: What kind of question is that RS?
We're going with SS!

Stop Sign: You don't have to guys.
I can handle it just fine.

Priority Sign: What friends would we be if we wouldn't help you in this quest?

Roundabout Sign: PS is right, we are your friends so we got your back!

Stop Sign: I appreciate this a ton guys.
No time to wait... let's put a stop to this!

Roadwork Sign: STOP WITH THE PUNS.

Stop Sign: You just said stop yourself.

Roundabout Sign and Priority Sign: END THIS NOW SS!

Stop Sign: Okay okay!
Let's go!

End of Prologue