Stop Sign: So about that battle, thanks for having my back guys.

Roundabout Sign: Oh it was nothing SS.

Priority Sign: That monkey better have learned it's lesson.

Stop Sign: Somehow I doubt he will..

Roundabout Sign: Eh, leave that aside for now, what are your plans for today?

Stop Sign: Well I was just gonna go back to sleep, I didn't expect to be woken up by you.

Priority Sign: Heh, weak.
As for me I'm gonna follow my schedule as usual, I missed the Gym because of this ruckus but I can recover the lost time if I skip eating.

Roundabout Sign: That's rough.

Priority Sign: It's the grind baby!

Stop Sign: Classic PS.
Well I just finished my coffee, my cue to leave so I'll talk to you guys-

Roundabout Sign: WHAT WAS THAT!?

Stop Sign: An earthquake?
But why..?

Priority Sign: I don't know guys but this was too short for a regular earthquake, and besides we haven't had these in decades.

Stop Sign: Maybe they are simply back, nature has it's strange ways to act.

Roundabout Sign: I don't care what caused this I just don't want it to happen again..

Priority Sign: I didn't know you get scared so easily RS.

Roundabout Sign: Oh yes I am scared of the danger of death, as one should!

Priority Sign: What if it comes...
The Priority Sign shakes the table

Roundabout Sign: KNOCK IT OFF!

Stop Sign: Stop it you two!
Calm down, no need to worsen the situation.
Let's look around and see if anybody has any idea about what happened.

Roundabout Sign and Priority Sign: Alright..
